
No more (till next time)


Providing LANs for llamas since 2002 add

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Attendees at LlamaLAN 43

Until LlamaLAN 43



What Do I Need to Bring?

In summary: You, your hardware, a pillow, and a bag of noms.

Please check everything in the list below to ensure your own experience is as smooth as possible. We recommend performing the action list just before you pack away your PC, mostly to ensure you have the latest Steam updates. We have now made efforts to provide a limited broadband internet connection from the venue. Despite this, please make sure that all your games will play BEFORE you pack up your PC. We know how fond Valve are of their random yet timely updates!

Action list
Steam games such as TF2, HL2:DM, L4D(2) etc. should be run before you pack up your PC in case of any last updates you have yet to download. If you have a home network and have any network shares or anything shared out that you might not want shared at a LAN, make sure you close them before packing up. Additionally, make sure you are not granting full access to your shares unless you want people to send you files as well (and have the option of destroying what's there).

What to bring:
  • Your computer (if it isn't yours then ask the owner's permission before borrowing it)
  • Monitor
  • Power cables for the above (obvious but they've been forgotten in the past)
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Joystick or other gaming controller (if you have one or need one)
  • An installed and working network card or onboard NIC with an RJ45 type connector. There may be some spare but please ask us in advance.
  • Patch Lead (We do have plenty but do your utmost to bring one just to be sure. You never know, we may run out!)
  • Headset. No speakers are permitted.
  • Mains adaptor (4-way minimum) - enough for your PC, monitor, and whatever else you bring requiring power. You will not be allowed to use the same adapters from which our own important hardware is powered.
  • And/or, a surge protector (It's not a must, but it won't hurt. The worst that can happen is your it goes unused and stays in your backpack for the evening. Better safe than sorry!
  • Game CDs, even if you don't need them to play. You never know when you need to re-install.
  • System and operating system CDs (in case something dreadful happens and you need to reformat/reinstall... it does happen and this time it could be YOU!)
  • Driver Discs for your motherboard, graphics card, sound card etc.
  • Appropriate clothing to last the duration of the event: bring stuff for any weather - we never know what the weather will bring! Maybe even bring a couple of changes. You're there for the weekend after all ;) If not for you, then for your fellow LANers!
  • Going in outfit suited to the theme? Don't forget to pack that too.
  • Deodorant
  • Deodorant (just in case you missed it the first time)
  • Shower gel and/or soap (To wash with of course, though note that unfortunately there are no showers at the venue.)
  • Razor (if applicable)
  • Shaving foam (if applicable)
  • Your own towels
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Bedding: Inflatable mattress or roll mat along with a sleeping bag and a pillow. Double sized beds may be deflated by angry people trying to find some space to sleep!
  • Munchies: an absolute must. A Co-op is nearby however.
  • Optionally, a tent to pitch on the grass outside. Not a bad idea if you fancy an undisturbed night sleep.
  • Super Glue (often an essential ;))
  • Screwdriver for emergency repairs.

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